
DatA-IL one year anniversary

A year ago, the DatA-IL community was launched. It has been a complex and challenging year for all of us, certainly not an easy year to launch a new innovation community.

On October 7th, we were all thrown into a new reality, where work plans were pushed aside because it was clear that there was something bigger than all of us – people whose world had been turned upside down, a country whose needs changed in the blink of an alarm.

  • In the midst of the crisis, it was clear to us that our small place to contribute and help was to make data and AI tools accessible and prominent, to ensure that the right people talk to each other, to develop and make accessible vital knowledge that serves us all.
  • So that with all the personal and public difficulties, it was also a year full of action where we felt the importance of communities.
  • Beyond the war and its personal and public impacts, this was also a significant year for data and AI.
  • In the past year, our community has grown and developed, becoming a central force in creating positive public impact through data and artificial intelligence.

    We have the best Partners: Our public partners, with whom we embarked on this complex journey – the Ministry of Economy and Industry, the Israel Innovation Authority , and Israel National Digital Agency, were there at every stage of the way and more than once we found ourselves finishing a conversation saying to ourselves how lucky we are that these are our partners, and of course SFI Group.

    Also, our other public partners – the Ministry of Innovation, Science and Technology, Israel Central Bureau of Statistics and the Prime Minister’s Office, who provide invaluable help and knowledge.

They were joined by partners from the industry – Google, who from the first moment saw the importance and joined, shared their knowledge and capabilities, Migdal Group who emphasize the importance they give to data and AI in their activities through their connection with us, and Blueskai technologies who do fascinating things in artificial intelligence.

Apart from our strategic partners, it’s important to mention others, speakers who came to various meetings – disinformation in the AI era, data and AI for preventing road accidents that we held together with EcoMotion Community, hydroinformatics together with WaterEdge.IL and the Technion – Israel Institute of Technology, and many more.

And of course, this wouldn’t have happened without over 3,000 of you who participate, share knowledge and capabilities. Who dream and understand the importance of data and AI in building the future.

And this is just the beginning!
